Even though Jesus was the Son of God, he gave up his divine position as God and become man in order to die for our sins. However, he did more than die for us; he lived as one of us. He was subject to the same limitations, the same physical and emotional frailties we are. Yet he accepted his humanity and overcame temptation because he always lived to please the Father. Because he grew up and lived in society as a man, he left us an example of how to deal with both the challenges and rewards of life. He denied himself in order to serve others, in a spirit of kindness, patience, and humility.
Though his miracles proved he was the promised Messiah, he performed them not as God, but as a man of faith, fully imbued with the anointing power of the Spirit. However, we do not have the same measure of spiritual anointing that Jesus had, or even the full measure of his faith. Yet often it was not his faith, but the faith of those who sought healing or deliverance that brought about miraculous events. What is required of us is to nourish the small mustard seed of faith by reading and trusting the word of God, to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, and to cultivate a desire to please the Father. The greater part of faith is trusting that he will respond to our requests with whatever is best for us, considering both the necessity of refining of our faith in this life and our promised reward in the life to come.